JUMP TOV3 API REFERENCEBILL v3 API Reference OverviewConnect APIattachmentsGet list of customer attachmentsgetUpload customer attachmentpostGet list of invoice attachmentsgetUpload invoice attachmentpostGet list of vendor attachmentsgetUpload vendor attachmentpostGet attachment detailsgetbillsGet list of billsgetCreate a billpostCreate multiple billspostGet bill detailsgetReplace a billputUpdate a billpatchArchive a billpostRestore an archived billpostcustomersGet list of customersgetCreate a customerpostGet customer detailsgetUpdate a customerpatchArchive a customerpostRestore an archived customerpostdocumentsGet list of documentsgetUpload bill documentpostGet document upload statusgetGet document detailsgetfunding accountsGet list of AP CardsgetGet list of bank accountsgetCreate a bank accountpostGet bank account detailsgetUpdate a bank accountpatchArchive a bank accountpostVerify a bank accountpostGet list of card accountsgetGet card account detailsgetGet funding account permissionsgethealthCheck app healthgetinvoicesGet list of invoicesgetCreate an invoicepostRecord AR paymentpostGet invoice detailsgetReplace an invoiceputUpdate an invoicepatchArchive an invoicepostSend an invoicepostRestore an archived invoicepostauthenticationAPI loginpostGet API session detailsgetAPI logoutpostmfaGenerate MFA challengepostValidate MFA challengepostGet list of MFA phone numbersgetAdd phone for MFA setuppostValidate phone for MFA setuppostMFA step-up for API sessionpostnetworkSearch for an organization in the BILL networksgetAccept network invitationpostGet customer invitation statusgetInvite a customer in the BILL networkpostDelete customer connectiondeleteGet vendor invitation statusgetInvite a vendor in the BILL networkpostDelete vendor connectiondeleteInvite a vendor not in the BILL networkpostorganizationsGet organization detailsgetUpdate an organizationpatchGet organization price plan detailsgetpartnerAPI partner loginpostAPI login as userpostGet list of organizationsgetCreate an organizationpostAdd phone for risk verificationpostGet list of user rolesgetGet user role detailsgetGet list of usersgetCreate a userpostGet user detailsgetUpdate a userpatchArchive a userpostRestore an archived userpostpaymentsGet list of paymentsgetCreate a paymentpostCreate a bulk paymentpostGet payment detailsgetCancel a paymentpostGet check image datagetVoid a paymentpostrecurringbillsGet list of recurring billsgetCreate a recurring billpostGet recurring bill detailsgetReplace a recurring billputUpdate a recurring billpatchArchive a recurring billpostRestore an archived recurring billpostreportsGet audit trail details for a vendorgetrisk verificationsGet risk verification detailsgetInitiate risk verification for an organizationpostGet phone status for risk verificationgetAdd phone for risk verificationpostrolesGet list of user rolesgetGet user role detailsgetorganization usersGet list of usersgetCreate a userpostGet user detailsgetUpdate a userpatchArchive a userpostRestore an archived userpostvendorsGet list of vendorsgetCreate a vendorpostCreate multiple vendorspostGet international payments configurationgetGet vendor detailsgetUpdate a vendorpatchArchive a vendorpostGet vendor bank account detailsgetCreate a vendor bank accountpostDelete a vendor bank accountdeleteGet vendor configurationgetRestore an archived vendorpostConnect Events APIeventsGet events cataloggetGet list of event notificationsgetResend an eventposthealthCheck app healthgetsubscriptionsGet list of subscriptionsgetCreate a subscriptionpostGet subscription detailsgetReplace a subscriptionputDelete a subscriptiondeleteUpdate a subscriptionpatchCreate a security keypostSend a test subscription eventpostSPEND & EXPENSE APIbudgetsGet list of budgetsgetCreate a budgetpostGet budget detailsgetDelete a budgetdeleteUpdate a budgetpatchGet list of members for a budgetgetUpdate a list of budget members in a budgetputGet a single member for a budgetgetAdd a member to a budget or update an existing member of the budgetputDelete a member from a budgetdeletecardsGet list of cardsgetCreate a vendor cardpostGet card detailsgetDelete a carddeleteUpdate a vendor cardpatchGet PAN JWTgetcustom-fieldsGet list of custom fieldsgetCreate custom fieldpostGet custom field detailsgetDelete a custom fielddeleteUpdate custom field detailspatchGet list of values for custom fieldgetCreate custom field valuespostDelete custom field valuesdeleteGet custom field valuegettransactionsGet list of transactionsgetGet transaction detailsgetUpdate transactionputGet transaction custom field detailsgetUpdate a custom field and values on a transactionputGet transaction custom field value detailsgetusersGet list of usersgetCreate a userpostGet current user detailsgetGet user detailsgetDelete a userdeleteUpdate a userpatchGet payment detailsget https://gateway.stage.bill.com/connect/v3/payments/{paymentId}Get details about an existing payment.