We have introduced a new Get check image data (GET /v3/payments/{paymentId}/check-image) endpoint. You can now get images of an existing check sent to a vendor. From the response, use downloadLink in a GET request to download the front and back images of the check.

curl '{downloadLink}&sessionId={session_id}' \
--output {check_name}

See GET /v3/payments/{paymentId}/check-image in the API reference for more information.

You can now set an invoice date in your create an invoice (POST /v3/invoices), replace an invoice (PUT /v3/invoices/{invoiceId}), and update an invoice (PATCH /v3/invoices/{invoiceId}) requests.

Set the invoiceDate field as the invoice creation date. This value is in the yyyy-MM-dd format. If you do not set this value, invoiceDate is set as the date when the invoice is created.

See POST /v3/invoices in the API reference for more information.

You can now convert a PAN JWT token (created with GET /v3/spend/cards/{cardId}/pan-jwt) to a Spend & Expense virtual card PAN in the sandbox environment.

curl --location --request POST 'https://app-dev-sandbox.divvy.co/de/rest/pan' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"token":"{JWT_token}"}'



Use POST https://api.divvy.co/de/rest/pan in the production environment.

See Virtual cards for more information.

We have introduced a set of API endpoints for the Spend & Expense custom field operations. A custom field enables you to categorize transactions in a budget based on policies and projects in your organization.

OperationAPI endpoint
Create a custom fieldPOST /v3/spend/custom-fields
Get list of custom fieldsGET /v3/spend/custom-fields
Get custom field detailsGET /v3/spend/custom-fields/{customFieldId}
Update a custom fieldPATCH /v3/spend/custom-fields/{customFieldId}
Delete a custom fieldDELETE /v3/spend/custom-fields/{customFieldId}
Create custom field valuesPOST /v3/spend/custom-fields/{customFieldId}/values
Get list of custom field valuesGET /v3/spend/custom-fields/{customFieldId}/values
Get custom field value detailsGET /v3/spend/custom-fields/{customFieldId}/values/{customFieldValueId}
Delete custom field valuesDELETE /v3/spend/custom-fields/{customFieldId}/values
Update custom field and values for a transactionPUT /v3/spend/transactions/{transactionId}/custom-fields
Get custom field details for a transactionGET /v3/spend/transactions/{transactionId}/custom-fields
Get custom field value details for a transactionGET /v3/spend/transactions/{transactionId}/custom-fields/{customFieldId}/values

The payment.updated webhook notification now includes more information.

vendorVendor information. This includes vendor id and name.
billingTypeA payment object is created for each payment. billingType is the source of the payment object creation.

- BDC: Payment made with the BILL web app or BILL API
- BILL_AUTOPAY: Payment made with the BILL autopay feature
- NET_SYNC_FROM_ONLINE_PAYMENT: Payment made outside BILL with the sync feature to a BILL customer
- NET_SYNC_FROM_OFFLINE_PAYMENT: Payment made outside BILL with the sync feature to a customer outside BILL
- RECURRING_PAYMENT: Payment made for a recurring bill

See Payment notification payloads for more information.