Create a vendor

Create a new vendor.

Requirements for enabling vendor payments

Vendor address details are required for paying the vendor by check or for inviting the vendor to join the BILL network.

  • line1
  • city
  • zipOrPostalCode
  • country
  • payeeName

Requirements for enabling electronic payments to vendors

Vendor bank account details are required for paying the vendor with electronic payment methods.

paymentInformation details about bank accounts are required for adding a vendor bank account.

  • payeeName
  • bankCountry (for international vendors)
  • paymentCurrency (for international vendors)
  • nameOnAccount
  • accountNumber
  • routingNumber (empty for an IBAN accountNumber)
  • type (for international vendors)

regulatoryFields and paymentPurpose are additional required fields for enabling electronic payments to international vendors (not United States) in specific countries.

See Vendors in the Guides section for more information, sample requests, and responses.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!