v3 API response changes

In v3, HTTP codes are mapped to the response type.

The HTTP code for each response is 200.HTTP codes are mapped to the response type.
- 200/201: Successful response
- 4XX: Client side unauthorized, forbidden, or bad request errors
- 5XX: Server side errors
The API response structure includes the response_status and response_message fields, and the response_data object. For list operations, response_data is an array of objects. 200/201: The response directly presents all the response fields and is not in a response_data object. For list operations, the response is an array of objects.
For an error response, the response_data object includes the error_code and error_message fields.4XX/5XX: The response is an array of objects. Each object includes the timestamp, code, severity, category, and message fields.

See the 4XX and 5XX responses for any endpoint in the API reference for more information.