Filterable fields

In this section, we list the fields that you can filter with in your list requests.



For filtering with createdTime and updatedTime, you can set a range of ISO 8601 date-time values.

  • yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX
  • yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS
  • yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
  • yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm
  • yyyy-MM-dd

Vendors and Customers

Fields you can filter withAvailable operators
ideq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
archivedeq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
nameeq (Equal)
sw (Starts with)
accountTypeeq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
nin (Not in)
billCurrency (Vendors)
invoiceCurrency (Customers)
eq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
nin (Not in)
paymentStatuseq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
nin (Not in)
createdTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)
updatedTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)

Bills and Invoices

Fields you can filter withAvailable operators
ideq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
archivedeq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
vendorId (Bills)
customerId (Invoices)
eq (Equal)
in (In)
dueDate (Bills)gt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)
paymentStatus (Bills)eq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
createdTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)
updatedTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)

Recurring bills

Fields you can filter withAvailable operators
ideq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
archivedeq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
vendorIdeq (Equal)
in (In)

Bank accounts

Fields you can filter withAvailable operators
ideq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
archivedeq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
statuseq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
nin (Not in)
typeeq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
ownerTypeeq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
accessToAdminseq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
createdTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)
updatedTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)


Fields you can filter withAvailable operators
ideq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
vendorIdeq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
processDategt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)
amounteq (Equal)
gt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)
transactionNumbereq (Equal)
statuseq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
nin (Not in)
onlinePaymenteq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
disbursementTypeeq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
createdTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)
updatedTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)

User roles

Fields you can filter withAvailable operators
ideq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
typeeq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
createdTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)
updatedTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)

Organization users

Fields you can filter withAvailable operators
ideq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
archivedeq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
role.typeeq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
createdTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)
updatedTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)

Partner endpoints


Fields you can filter withAvailable operators
ideq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
archivedeq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
createdTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)
updatedTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)

User roles

Fields you can filter withAvailable operators
ideq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
typeeq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
createdTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)
updatedTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)


Fields you can filter withAvailable operators
ideq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
archivedeq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
role.typeeq (Equal)
ne (Not equal)
in (In)
createdTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)
updatedTimegt (Greater than)
gte (Greater than or equal)
lt (Less than)
lte (Less than or equal)