Sandbox API sign up



This section is about authentication for working with the BILL v3 API. See Authentication with Spend & Expense API token for information about authentication for the Spend & Expense API endpoints.

Use the BILL API to integrate your application with BILL Accounts Receivable (AR) and Accounts Payable (AP) automation capabilities. When you begin testing with the BILL API, you are in the API sandbox environment.

Your first step is to sign-up and set up your credentials for working with the BILL v3 API. When your sign-up is complete, you can continue with signing in with the API. See Sandbox API sign in for information about signing in.

Sign-up to create your BILL developer account

When you sign-up to create your BILL developer account, you set up four credentials required for signing in with the BILL v3 API.

UsernameYour username is the email address used to sign in to your BILL developer account.
PasswordYour password is used to sign in to your BILL developer account.
Organization IDYour BILL developer account represents your organization in BILL. The organization ID is a unique alphanumeric value that begins with 008.
Developer keyYour developer key is used to identify your developer account in your API requests.

Your sign-up process begins with creating a new username and password.

  1. Navigate to the BILL sandbox web app and click Start your risk free trial at the bottom of the page.
  2. Enter the required information and click Get Started.
First NameYour first name
Last NameYour last name
Work EmailYour email address. Enter a valid value.

Note: This is the username for your BILL developer account
PhoneYour phone number
Company NameTest organization name
Number Of EmployeesSet this field to any value. For example 1.
I'm with a:Select Small or midsize business
Which products are your interested in using?Select Accounts Payable & Receivable
Which accounting software do you use?Select None
  1. Create a password for your developer account, and click Next. This is the password for your BILL developer account.
  2. Complete 2-step verification. Enter your phone number, select a method for receiving a security code, and click Send Code. BILL sends your security code to the provided phone number.
  3. Enter the security code value. BILL validates this value and directs you to enter an address for your organization.
Company address123 Main Street
CitySan Jose
Zip code95002
  1. Select No for the Did you receive an email invite to get paid through BILL? question, and click Next.
  2. You are directed to continue your setup with a series of steps. BILL sends you an email to confirm your email address.

Click the menu icon at the top left to get the complete view of the BILL web app for your test organization.

Generate developer key

You can generate a developer key in the BILL web app to work with the BILL v3 API.

  1. Sign in to the [BILL sandbox web app](BILL sandbox web app). Use your developer account email address and password.
  2. Click Settings in your BILL account.
  3. Click Sync & Integrations > Manage Developer Keys.
  4. Click Generate developer key. You are prompted to agree to the BILL developer terms of service.
  5. Accept the terms of service and click Generate key. It takes a few minutes for BILL to generate a developer key. You can click Reload in a few minutes to view your generated key.



Your organization ID is available at the bottom of this page. This is the organization ID for your BILL developer account.

See Sandbox API sign in for information about signing in with the API.