Authentication with Spend & Expense API token



This section is about authentication for working with the BILL Spend & Expense API. See API sandbox sign in for information about authentication for all other BILL v3 API endpoints.

You need an API token to start testing with the BILL Spend & Expense API.

Sandbox API token

The sandbox environment is a standalone environment and any testing with the API in sandbox does not affect your solution in the production environment. When your API sign up process is complete, you can test with the BILL API in the sandbox environment.

Sandbox API base URL
Sandbox web app URL

Required information

As part of the API sign up process, you receive a set of information for testing in the API sandbox environment.

apiTokenYour API token is used to uniquely identify your developer account in your API requests.
usernameYour username is the email address used to sign in to your sandbox developer account. Use this value to sign in to the web app.
passwordYour password is used to sign in to your sandbox developer account. Use this value to sign in to the web app.

Generating an API token

See How do I generate an API token in BILL Spend & Expense? in the BILL Help for instructions on getting an API token. The instructions are the same for both the sandbox and production environment.



A Spend & Expense API user must have the ADMIN user role to create an API token.

Sample Spend & Expense API request

In this cURL example, you get a list of budgets. The required header field is your apiToken.

curl --request POST \ 
--url '' \
--header 'apiToken: {api_token}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

Production API token

Your go-live Spend & Expense solution is available to your customers in the production environment.

Production API base URL
Production web app URL

See How do I generate an API token in BILL Spend & Expense? in the BILL Help for instructions on getting an API token in the production environment.