Bulk undelete invoices

Bulk undelete invoice objects. The maximum number of objects you can set in a bulk operation is 100.

In the response, isActive is set as 1 (Active).

What is an invoice?

An invoice represents an amount that you are owed by a customer for goods and services that you provide.

You can create an invoice with /v2/Crud/Create/Invoice.json. In the invoice, add invoice line items to record details about individual goods or services. In addition, you can associate line items to accounts tracking objects, such as item (/Item.json) or chart of accounts (/ChartOfAccounts.json).

Other invoice features:

  • You can reduce the total invoice amount with an invoice credit (/CreditMemo.json). Total invoice amount, credit memos, and any remaining invoice amount to be paid or recorded is available with /v2/Crud/Read/ReceivedPay.json.
  • You can send invoices to the customer by email (/v2/SendInvoice.json) or US mail (/v2/MailInvoice.json).
  • exchangeRate is a required additional field for creating an invoice for an international customer. In addition, each invoice line item amount is in the foreign currency. Retrieve the current exchange rate with /v2/GetDynamicExchangeRateQuote2.json.

Line item price, markups, & discounts

In your request, either price or percentage (ratePercent) is required for each invoiceLineItems object. If you set one, do not set the other.

  • If price is set, amount is (quantity) x (price).
  • If ratePercent is set for a line item, the line item amount is (ratePercent) x (sum of other line item amount values). For example, to apply a discount of 20% in your invoice total of $100, set ratePercent as -20 in the final line item of your request.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!