BILL network

The BILL network is a collection of customer organizations and vendor organizations using BILL. Network connections between customers and vendors enable electronic payments between them.

Verified national vendors (Large billers) include water, power, cable, and phone companies and are part of the BILL verified national vendor network. The BILL network includes the verified national vendor network.

When you create a customer or vendor using the BILL web app, the system automatically searches to confirm whether the created customer or vendor is in the BILL network. Search results show any records that are a complete or partial match with the name or address.

Network operations overview

Network operations overview

Network operation workflows

Use the network operations API for different workflows.

Vendor without a BILL account

Connecting with a vendor without a BILL account is a three step process.

  1. Create a vendor account with /v2/Crud/Create/Vendor.json.
  2. Search for the vendor with /v2/SearchEntity.json.
  3. Send an invite to the vendor with /v2/SendVendorInvite.json.

Vendor not in the BILL network

Connecting with a vendor that has a BILL account but is not in the BILL network is a two step process.

  1. Search for the vendor with /v2/SearchEntity.json.
  2. Send an invite to the vendor with /v2/SendVendorInvite.json.

Vendor or customer in the BILL network

Connecting with a vendor or customer that is in the BILL network is a three step process.

  1. Search for the vendor or customer in the network with /v2/NetworkSearch.json.
  2. Search for the vendor with /v2/SearchEntity.json.
  3. Send an invite to the vendor or customer in the network with /v2/SendInvite.json.

Verified National Vendors (Large billers)

Connecting verified national vendor as your vendor is a four step process. When the connection is successful, the verified national vendor information is linked to your created vendor.

  1. Search for the Verified National Vendor with /v2/LargeBillerSearch.json.
  2. Retrieve payment addresses for a Verified National Vendor with /v2/GetLargeBillerPaymentAddress.json.
  3. Retrieve the BILL-generated ID of your vendor with /v2/List/Vendor.json.
  4. Connect the Verified National Vendor as your vendor with /v2/ConnectLargeBillerAsVendor.json.

Network operations

The network operations API provides a wide range of services in different workflows.

/NetworkSearch.jsonSearch the BILL network for a customer, vendor, or verified national vendor. You can filter your search by name, account number, or zip code.

See Search BILL network for a customer or vendor for more information.
/SendInvite.jsonSend an invitation to connect your organization with a customer or vendor organization in the BILL network.

See Invite a customer or vendor in the BILL network for more information.
/SendVendorInvite.jsonSend an invitation to connect your organization with a vendor organization not in the BILL network.

See Invite a vendor not in the BILL network for more information.
/LargeBillerSearch.jsonSearch the BILL network for verified national vendor organizations. You can filter your search by name, account number, or zip code.

See Search BILL network for a verified national vendor for more information.
/GetLargeBillerPaymentAddress.jsonRetrieve the list of payment addresses for a verified national vendor.

See Retrieve payment addresses for a verified national vendor for more information.
/ConnectLargeBillerAsVendor.jsonConnect a verified national vendor as your vendor. When the connection is successful, the verified national vendor information is linked to your created vendor.

See Connect verified national vendor as your vendor for more information.
/GetNetworkStatus.jsonRetrieve the status of an existing invitation sent using SendInvite or SendVendorInvite.

See Retrieve invitation status for more information.
/CancelInvite.jsonCancel an existing invitation sent using SendInvite or SendVendorInvite.

See Cancel an existing invitation for more information.
/DisconnectCustomerFromNetwork.jsonDisconnect a customer organization (in the BILL network) from your organization.

See Disconnect customer (in the BILL network) for more information.
/DisconnectVendorFromNetwork.jsonDisconnect a vendor organization (in the BILL network) from your organization.

See Disconnect vendor (in the BILL network) for more information.