Bill approvals

Set up bill approval workflows to reduce the risk of any unapproved bill payments or money movement from your organization.

Bill approvals overview

Bill approvals overview

You can set bill approval workflows for two different operations.



An organization user with the Administrator role can pay a bill regardless of any bill approval policy or the bill's approval status.

Ensure that users have specific permissions for managing approval policies, approvals, bills, and payments. See User roles and permissions in the BILL Help Center for more information.

Bill payment approvals

Assign organization users to verify and approve bills before those bill payments are made to the vendor.

Vendor credit approvals

Assign organization users to verify and approve vendor discounts or credits applied to bills before those bill payments are made to the vendor.

Bill approval operations

The bill approvals API provides a wide range of services.

ApprovalPolicyCreate and manage an approval policy. When you create a policy, you can set rules, such as payment amount threshold, mandatory approvers, and minimum number of approvers.

See Create an approval policy for more information.
ApprovalPolicyApproverAdd and manage an approval policy approver. Policy approvers have approval powers.

See Add an approval policy approver for more information.
BillApproverRetrieve details about a bill approver.

See Retrieve approvers assigned to a bill for more information.
VendorCreditApproverRetrieve details about a vendor credit approver.

See Retrieve a vendor credit approver for more information.
ListApproversList approvers assigned to a bill or vendor credit.

See List approvers assigned to a bill or vendor credit for more information.
ListUserApprovalsList bills and vendor credits assigned to a user.

See List bills & vendor credits assigned to a user for more information.
SetApproversSet specific approvers for a bill or vendor credit.

See Set approvers for a bill or vendor credit for more information.
ClearApproversClear all approvers for a bill or vendor credit. You must clear all existing approvers before setting new approvers.

See Clear approvers for a bill or vendor credit for more information.
ApproveApprove a bill or vendor credit for payment.

See Approve a bill or vendor credit for more information.
DenyDeny the approval of a bill or vendor credit. The approval process stops at this point.

See Deny the approval of a bill or vendor credit for more information.