We have added new API endpoints for general ledger classification bulk operations.


OperationAPI endpoint
Create multiple departmentsPOST /v3/classifications/departments/bulk
Update multiple departmentsPATCH /v3/classifications/departments/bulk
Archive multiple departmentsPOST /v3/classifications/departments/bulk/archive
Restore multiple departmentsPOST /v3/classifications/departments/bulk/restore


OperationAPI endpoint
Create multiple jobsPOST /v3/classifications/jobs/bulk
Update multiple jobsPATCH /v3/classifications/jobs/bulk
Archive multiple jobsPOST /v3/classifications/jobs/bulk/archive
Restore multiple jobsPOST /v3/classifications/jobs/bulk/restore


OperationAPI endpoint
Create multiple locationsPOST /v3/classifications/locations/bulk
Update multiple locationsPATCH /v3/classifications/locations/bulk
Archive multiple locationsPOST /v3/classifications/locations/bulk/archive
Restore multiple locationsPOST /v3/classifications/locations/bulk/restore

We have added new API endpoints for general ledger classification bulk operations.

Accounting classes

OperationAPI endpoint
Create multiple accounting classesPOST /v3/classifications/accounting-classes/bulk
Update multiple accounting classesPATCH /v3/classifications/accounting-classes/bulk
Archive multiple accounting classesPOST /v3/classifications/accounting-classes/bulk/archive
Restore multiple accounting classesPOST /v3/classifications/accounting-classes/bulk/restore


OperationAPI endpoint
Create multiple employeesPOST /v3/classifications/employees/bulk
Update multiple employeesPATCH /v3/classifications/employees/bulk
Archive multiple employeesPOST /v3/classifications/employees/bulk/archive
Restore multiple employeesPOST /v3/classifications/employees/bulk/restore

We have added the capability for adding general ledger classifications to different BILL operations.


When you create or update an invoice, you can now set your choice of general ledger classifications values (Accounting class, department, job, or location). In addition, you can set classifications at the line item level (Chart of accounts, accounting class, department, job, location, or item).

See /v3/invoices in the API reference for more information.


When you create or update an invoice, you can now set your choice of general ledger classifications values (Chart of accounts, accounting class, department, location, or item). In addition, you can set classifications at the line item level.

See /v3/bills in the API reference for more information.

Recurring bills

When you create or update a recurring bill, you can now set set classifications at the line item level.

See /v3/recurringbills in the API reference for more information.

Organization bank accounts

When you create or update a bank account, you can now set the chartOfAccountId field as the BILL-generated ID of the chart of accounts for the bank account.

See /v3/funding-accounts/banks in the API reference for more information.

We have added the capability for adding a chart of accounts to your bill and invoices.

  • Bills: When you create or update a bill, you can now set the payFromChartOfAccountId field as the BILL-generated ID of the chart of accounts for the bill payment.
  • Invoices: When you create or update an invoice, you can now set the payToChartOfAccountId field as the BILL-generated ID of the chart of accounts for the invoice payment.

We have added more API endpoints for general ledger classifications. These endpoints enable you to better maintain a General Ledger (GL) for bookkeeping and financial reporting.

Chart of accounts

Chart of accounts objects are lists of categories you use to classify and distinguish financial assets, liabilities, and transactions in your general ledger (GL).

OperationAPI endpoint
Create a chart of accountsPOST /v3/classifications/chart-of-accounts
Get list of chart of accountsGET /v3/classifications/chart-of-accounts
Get class of accounts detailsGET /v3/classifications/chart-of-accounts/{id}
Update a class of accountsPATCH /v3/classifications/chart-of-accounts/{id}
Archive a chart of accountsPOST /v3/classifications/chart-of-accounts/{id}/archive
Restore an archived chart of accountsPOST /v3/classifications/chart-of-accounts/{id}/restore

In addition, we have added list operations for the other categories.

OperationAPI endpoint
Get list of account classesGET /v3/classifications/accounting-classes
Get list of departmentsGET /v3/classifications/departments
Get list of employeesGET /v3/classifications/employees
Get list of itemsGET /v3/classifications/items
Get list of jobsGET /v3/classifications/jobs
Get list of locationsGET /v3/classifications/locations

BILL now maintains a 90-day event history for each subscription. You can get the list of event notifications sent to you for a subscription with GET /v3/events/subscription/{subscription_id}. You can now get the list of events for the last 90 days.

The payment.updated webhook notification now includes more status values.

READY_TO_FUNDBILL is ready to start debiting the payer's funding account.
CANCELLATION_IN_PROGRESSPayment cancellation is in progress.
PARTIALLY_CLAIMEDA virtual card payment has been claimed by the vendor for less than the full amount.
UNDEFINEDIf none of the above conditions are met.

See Payment notification payloads for more information.

We have introduced a set of API endpoints for general ledger classifications. These endpoints enable you to better maintain a General Ledger (GL) for bookkeeping and financial reporting.

Accounting classes

Accounting class objects enable you to set up categories unique to your business.

OperationAPI endpoint
Create an accounting classPOST /v3/classifications/accounting-classes
Get list of accounting classesGET /v3/classifications/accounting-classes
Get accounting class detailsGET /v3/classifications/accounting-classes/{id}
Update an accounting classPATCH /v3/classifications/accounting-classes/{id}
Archive an accounting classPOST /v3/classifications/accounting-classes/{id}/archive
Restore an archived accounting classPOST /v3/classifications/accounting-classes/{id}/restore


Department objects enable you to set up groups or divisions for your business, such as Marketing, HQ, or Asia-Pacific.

OperationAPI endpoint
Create a departmentPOST /v3/classifications/departments
Get department detailsGET /v3/classifications/departments/{id}
Update a departmentPATCH /v3/classifications/departments/{id}
Archive a departmentPOST /v3/classifications/departments/{id}/archive
Restore an archived departmentPOST /v3/classifications/departments/{id}/restore


Employee objects enable you to set up employees on your payroll.

OperationAPI endpoint
Create an employeePOST /v3/classifications/employees
Get employee detailsGET ​​/v3/classifications/employees/{id}
Update an employeePATCH ​​/v3/classifications/employees/{id}
Archive an employeePOST ​​/v3/classifications/employees/{id}/archive
Restore an archived employeePOST ​​/v3/classifications/employees/{id}/restore


Item objects enable you to set up products and/or services sold by your business.

OperationAPI endpoint
Create an itemPOST /v3/classifications/items
Get item detailsGET /v3/classifications/items/{id}
Update an itemPATCH /v3/classifications/items/{id}
Archive an itemPOST /v3/classifications/items/{id}/archive
Restore an archived itemPOST /v3/classifications/items/{id}/restore


Job objects enable you to set up unique projects with their own set of income and expenses.

OperationAPI endpoint
Create a jobPOST /v3/classifications/jobs
Get job detailsGET /v3/classifications/jobs/{id}
Update a jobPATCH /v3/classifications/jobs/{id}
Archive a jobPOST /v3/classifications/jobs/{id}/archive
Restore an archived jobPOST /v3/classifications/jobs/{id}/restore


Location objects enable you to set up office locations, such as West Coast, San Francisco, or California.

OperationAPI endpoint
Create a locationPOST /v3/classifications/locations
Get location detailsGET /v3/classifications/locations/{id}
Update a locationPATCH/v3/classifications/locations/{id}
Archive a locationPOST/v3/classifications/locations/{id}/archive
Restore an archived locationPOST ​​/v3/classifications/locations/{id}/restore