
General ledger categories improvements

We have added the capability for adding general ledger categories to different BILL operations.


When you create or update an invoice, you can now set your choice of general ledger categories values (Accounting class, department, job, or location). In addition, you can set categories at the line item level (Accounting class, department, employee, job, location, or item).

See /v3/invoices in the API reference for more information.


When you create or update an invoice, you can now set your choice of general ledger categories values (Accounting class, department, location, or item). In addition, you can set categories at the line item level (Accounting class, department, job, location, or item).

See /v3/bills in the API reference for more information.

Recurring bills

When you create or update a recurring bill, you can now set the chartOfAccountId field as the BILL-generated ID of the chart of accounts for the recurring bill line item.

See /v3/recurringbills in the API reference for more information.

Organization bank accounts

When you create or update a bank account, you can now set the chartOfAccountId field as the BILL-generated ID of the chart of accounts for the bank account.

See /v3/funding-accounts/banks in the API reference for more information.